Jayne Barrington, on the worse blind date of her life, ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her date is shot, and she's kidnapped by a gang of drug dealing thugs. She can't run; she can't hide. And she can't let them know that she's the daughter of a United States Senator.
Boone Sinclair, finder of lost children, is so close to finding the boy he's been searching for. He can't let the woman who stumbled onto the scene ruin it all. He also can't allow his cohorts to kill her, so he does the only thing he can. He takes her under his wing and protects her, and hopes she'll agree to play along.
She's not his type; he's not hers. But if they can outrun the bad guys and save a child, the charade will be worthwhile. And if they fall in love along the way...