From overarching vision to individual competency scorecards, Total Alignment arms you with powerful concepts and tools to run a successful, efficient business. No matter what size or type of business you run, business strategy experts Riaz Khadem and Linda Khadem show you how to align your team and operations from the ground up and from the top down.
Total Alignment is the result of innovative thinking, solid research, and thirty successful years of consulting experience with major companies. Whether your team struggles most with communication, accountability, or motivation, this book will help you inspire your organization to produce efficiently, engage in the company's vision, and hold each other accountable for solid, sustained progress. Implement these concepts and tools to gain coherence, strength, and value:
Plus, gain access to easy-to-use templates to analyze your company's alignment, including Business and Individual Scorecards, the Competency Worksheet, an Action Plan Commitment chart, and the Performance and Effort Indexes.|ALIGN YOUR BUSINESS FOR SUCCESS
From overarching vision to individual competency scorecards, Total Alignment arms you with powerful concepts and tools to run a successful, efficient business. No matter what size or type of business you run, business strategy experts Riaz Khadem and Linda Khadem show you how to align your team and operations from the ground up and from the top down.
Total Alignment is the result of innovative thinking, solid research, and thirty successful years of consulting experience with major companies. Whether your team struggles most with communication, accountability, or motivation, this book will help you inspire your organization to produce efficiently, engage in the company's vision, and hold each other accountable for solid, sustained progress. Implement these concepts and tools to gain coherence, strength, and value:
Plus, gain access to easy-to-use templates to analyze your company's alignment, including Business and Individual Scorecards, the Competency Worksheet, an Action Plan Commitment chart, and the Performance and Effort Indexes.