Discover how the right story told at the right time has the power to persuade, promote empathy, and provoke action.
A story explains who you are, what you want, and why it matters—better than any other communication tool in your arsenal. In this fully updated second edition, author and vibrant keynote speaker Annette Simmons teaches you how to narrate personal experiences as well as borrowed stories in a way that demonstrates authenticity, builds emotional connections, inspires perseverance, and stimulates the imagination.
Whether you are leading a presentation, in a department meeting, or having lunch with a potential customer, you will learn how to relate a compelling story to the topic at hand and make an invaluable impact that could not be made otherwise.
Fully updated and more practical than ever, Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins reveals how to use storytelling to:
Complete with a proven storytelling process, innovative applications, examples, and a new appendix on teaching storytelling, Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins hands you the tools you need to form a well-founded and persuasive story for any situation that just might be the difference maker you were looking for.