We don't accomplish anything in this world alone... and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one's life and all the weaving of individual threads from one to another that creates something. —Sandra Day O'Connor
O'Connor was acutely conscious of the historical significance of her position as the first female justice.
"Let me tell you one reason why I think it's important, and that is for the public generally to see and respect the fact that in positions of power and authority, women are well-represented," O'Connor remarked at the time. "That it is not an all-male governance, as it once was."
"'A daughter of the American Southwest, Sandra Day O'Connor blazed a historic trail as our Nation's first female Justice," Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., remarked of Justice O'Connor. She rose to the occasion with unwavering resolve, undeniable talent, and captivating candor. We grieve the death of a cherished colleague, a fiercely independent supporter of the rule of law, and an impassioned advocate for civics education. And we honor her legacy as a wonderful public servant and patriot."
President Joe Biden paid tribute to the late former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on Saturday, calling her "an American icon."
"She dedicated her career to the stable center, pragmatically seeking common ground." "I didn't agree with everything she said, but I admired her decency and unwavering dedication to the facts, our country, active citizenship, and the common good," Biden added.
O'Connor, the nation's first female Supreme Court justice, died Friday morning in Phoenix, Arizona. She was 93 years old.
This book tells the struggle and successful life of Justice O'Connor... There is a whole lot to learn about her life. Read! Read!! Read!!!