Was Bodden cursed the day he was born?
Life on the frontier is harsh, leaving little room for mercy, but Richard believes there has to be a better way. Even from an early age, he struggles to find his place in a world where he is neither needed nor wanted, powerless to change his fate.
It is only when he meets a knight of renown that he learns what it is to be truly noble.
Finally able to control his own destiny, he must choose between the past and the future for the sake of Bodden.
Mercerian Tales: The Making of a Man is a story that reveals the inner workings of one of Merceria's greatest nobles, Lord Richard Fitzwilliam, Baron of Bodden. This book is best read in its chronological order, as much of what the young Richard experiences relates directly to Dame Beverly's childhood.
Gather some cheese and crackers, and start reading Mercerian Tales: The Making of a Man today!
New to the series? Meet Gerald Matheson, the steadfast warrior in Heir to the Crown: Book One, Servant of the Crown, available in eBook, Paperback & Audiobook.
Books by Paul J Bennett
Heir to the Crown Series:
Battle at the River - Prequel
Servant of the Crown
Sword of the Crown
Mercerian Tales: Stories of the Past
Heart of the Crown
Shadow of the Crown
Mercerian Tales: The Call of Magic
Fate of the Crown
Burden of the Crown
Mercerian Tales: The Making of a Man
Defender of the Crown
Fury of the Crown
Mercerian Tales: Honour Thy Ancestors
War of the Crown
Triumph of the Crown
Mercerian Tales: Into the Forge
Guardian of the Crown
The Frozen Flame Series:
Awakening - Prequels
Power Ascending Series:
Tempered Steel - Prequel
Temple Knight
Warrior Knight
Temple Captain
Warrior Lord
Temple Commander
The Chronicles of Cyric:
Into the Maelstrom - Prequel
A Midwinter Murder
The Beast of Brunhausen
A Plague in Zeiderbruch
What readers are saying about Paul J Bennett's books:
★★★★★ -"Fantastic Fantasy!"
★★★★★ -"Epic Battle Scenes!
★★★★★ -"I'm hooked on this series!"
★★★★★ -"Exciting Sword and Sorcery"
★★★★★ -"Fabulously written, loved it."
★★★★★ -"Outstanding work of fantasy"
★★★★★ -"The most amazing adventure"
★★★★★ -"Another excellent book series!!"
★★★★★ -"I just could not stop reading them"
★★★★★ -"Wow! Best book I've read in a LONG time!"
★★★★★-"Thoroughly absorbing, exciting and mystical."
★★★★★ -"If you like fantasy fiction, then this is a must-read!"
★★★★★ -"This story gripped me and kept me turning the pages."
★★★★★ -"Action, Intrigue, Adventure, Romance and some twists!"
★★★★★ -"I love the book, had me on edge, could not put it down!"
★★★★★ -"Full of suspense, intrigue and action throughout the story"
★★★★★ -"The characters you love in the books come to life in such a fabulous way."
★★★★★ -"The tale flows effortlessly along, blending action, adventure and heartwarming scenes."